To fulfill the vacant spaces in aviation schools and colleges with enthusiastic, capable, and well-educated professionals, requests are sought from qualified individuals.
We obtained advertisements from the World Newspaper on March 13, 2024, regarding the openings in aviation schools and colleges for the year 2024.
Job Title | Fazaia Inter College Jobs Latest |
Posted on | 13th March 2024 |
Job Location | Attock |
Education | MBBS |
Last Date | 17/03/2024 |
Total Vacancies | Multiple |
Department | Fazaia Inter College |
Address | Principal Fazaia Inter College Minhas, Kamra (Attock) |
We have received advertisements related to job vacancies at aviation schools and colleges, which were published under the name of the Fazaiya College in Kamra (Attock) in a prominent, special section.
An advertisement for the employment of female doctors in Kamra (Attock) has been published under the name of Fazaiya College in the medical department. Interested men and women applicants who possess the required qualifications and experience in this field are encouraged to apply for this position.
How to apply?
Interested applicants can submit their resumes to the Principal of Fazaiya Inter College, Kamra (Attock), before March 17, 2024.
Applicants who meet the requirements of the position can send their applications to the respective school/college.
Application procedures, deadlines, and other details are available in the advertisements. Applicants should provide complete information about their experiences and documents.
Applications must be submitted before the deadline (as mentioned in each advertisement). Selected individuals will be offered attractive compensation packages.