The Project Management Unit (PMU) and Project Implementation Unit (PIU) have announced new job openings for the Board of Revenue Punjab. Both male and female candidates can apply online through the Government of Punjab’s website.
Eligibility Criteria:
Domicile: Punjab
Qualification: Intermediate, Bachelor, Masters
Age Limit: 18-35 years
Experience: Relevant field experience required
- 3% for disabled persons
- 5% for minorities
- 15% for women
- 20% for children of serving/retired servants (BS-01 to BS-05)
Application Process:
1. Visit the Government of Punjab’s website to apply online
2. Create an account and log in to access the online application form
3. Fill in correct educational and personal information
Last Date to Apply: August 21, 2024
No TA/DA for test and interview appearances
Late and incomplete applications will not be accepted
Email/hard copy applications will not be accepted