The Federal Public Service Commission has announced vacancies for trained graduate teachers (TGT) and lecturers.
These positions are within federal government educational institutions (Cantt/Garrison) and federal education regulatory authorities in Islamabad.
Additionally, there are other positions in various departments of the federal government. Details are as follows:
Trained graduate teachers (TGT) and lecturers in FPSI, 2024.
The Federal Public Service Commission’s new advertisement is for positions in FGEIs (C/G), Ministry of Defence, Federal Directorate of Education (FDE), and other federal government departments. Most of the positions are for teaching roles in schools and colleges.
Federal Public Service Commission Jobs Ad No. 05/024
Name of Post:
Senior Auditor, BPS-16
Sindh Minoritis 1
Name of Post:
Lecturer (Male), BPS-17
Sindh (R) 2
Sindh (U) Minoritis 1
KPK Minoritis 01
Name of Post:
Principal (female), BPS-19
Sindh (R) 2
Sindh (U) 1
Balochistan 1
Name of Post:
Psychiatrist, BPS-17
Sindh Rural 1
Name of Post:
Assistant, BS-116
Gilgit Baltistan Minoritis 1
Name of Post:
Medical Officer, BPS-17
Sindh Urban Women 1
Name of Post:
Store Officer, BPS-16
Punjab 01
Name of Post:
Trained graduate teacher (TGT) (female), BPS-16
Punjab Minoritis 02
Sindh Rural 03
(open merit 02
Minoritis 01)
Sindh Urban 02
Balochistan 02
Ex- FATA 01
AJK Minoritis 01
Name of Post:
Senior Auditor, BPS-16
Ex-FATA 01
Name of Post:
Software Engineer, BPS-17
Sindh Rural
Name of Post:
Trained Graduate Teacher Male, BPS-16
Merit 23
Punjab 155
Sindh Urban 36
Sindh Rural 36
KPK 36
Balochistan 19
Ex-FATA 10
GB 2
Name of Post:
Assistant Mechanical Engineer, BPS-17
Merit 01
Punjab 3
KPK (M) 01
Name of Post:
ENT Surgeon, BPS-19
Name of Post:
Chief Technician Ophthalmology, BPS-16
Name of Post:
Staff welfare officer, BPS-17
Sindh Rural
Name of Post:
Assistant Director (Protocol Officer), BPS-17
Sindh Rural
Name of Post:
Assistant Manager Personnel and Administration Department, BPS-16
Name of Post:
System Auditor
Upon selection, employees will receive salaries and allowances according to their positions. However, they can only be checked against the estimated salary based on the BPS for newly appointed employees in Pakistan for 2023-2024.
Below is the list of departments/offices/ministries where FPSI jobs are available:
- The Office of the Auditor General of Pakistan
- Former FJ Colleges, Federal Directorate of Education Islamabad, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training
- Anti-Narcotics Force, Ministry of Narcotics Control
- Gilgit Baltistan Secretariat, Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan
- Federal Government Polyclinic, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination
- National Library of Pakistan, National History & Literary Heritage Division
- Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantt/Garrisons)
- Pakistan Military Accounts Department, Ministry of Defence
- Board of Investment, Prime Minister’s Office
- Pakistan Railways Mechanical Engineering Department (Railway Board), Ministry of Railways
- National Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine Islamabad, Ministry of NHSRC
- Staff Welfare Organization, Establishment Division
- Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal’s Registry, Ministry of National Food Security & Research
- Naval Headquarters, Ministry of Defence
- Directorate General of Immigration and Passports, Ministry of Interior