The Directorate of Public Instructions (EE), Punjab Lahore, issued a notification on 16-04-2024 regarding delays in promotions from PST to EST and from EST to SST. The details are as follows:
Regarding the delay in promotions from PST to EST and from EST to SST,
According to the notification, your personal and immediate attention is drawn to the letter dated 02-04-2024,
issued by this Directorate under memo number Admin (M-IB)/1111 Morkh_H, requesting the processing of promotion cases of the mentioned cadres.
A letter was also issued by the DPI (SE) Punjab, Lahore, on 11-05-2024 (copy attached), instructing to process all pending promotion cases except for those under litigation, through the second round of the Departmental Promotion Committee.
Unfortunately, no action has been taken by the district authorities. The Punjab Teachers Union has highlighted in their written notice that despite submitting C.R. dossiers/pers for nearly a year, no meeting has been convened.
This inaction reflects bureaucratic sluggishness and negligence. Delays in promotions have not only deprived the community of their rightful dues but have also created issues in filling vacant positions for promotion quotas.
You are advised to address this issue on priority basis and take immediate steps, under the issued directives and policy guidelines, to expedite the processing of promotion cases.
Stringent action will be taken against responsible officers/officials in case of further delays. Ensure implementation without further delay under this doctrine, to avoid wasting more time.