The Department of School Education has issued a notification to lift the ban on e-transfer in Punjab from 2024. The e-transfer process will commence on May 8, 2024.
Teachers can submit requests for transfers from May 8 to May 10, 2024. Confirmation will take place on May 11, 2024, and posting orders will be issued on the 13th of May, 2024. Details are as follows:
Lifting the Ban on E-transfer in Punjab for 2024
I have been directed to refer to the above-mentioned subject and to examine the provided content.
It has been advised that the competent authority has approved the opening of an e-transfer round for the posting of officers/teachers in the school education department, only according to the following schedule:
Further, it is stated that all officers/teachers awaiting appointments in the Department of School Education are to apply in this round.
A copy of the letter is sent for information and necessary action to the following:
- Mr. Sajjad Qureshi, Joint Director, PI Tea Aayi Bee, Arfah Tower, Lahore
- Minister of Education, Punjab, PS
- PS to Secretary School Education, Punjab, Lahore/Southern Punjab
- PS to Two Special Secretaries, School Education
Prior to this, the Punjab government had issued a notification regarding the ban on transfer postings in Punjab due to the general elections of 2024.