Notification Voluntary / Retiring Pension Government Servants 2024

Notification Voluntary / Retiring Pension Government Servants 2024

The Government of Pakistan, Finance Division, issued a notification on April 16, 2024, regarding retiring government employees. The details are as follows:

Retirement Pension for Government Employees:

According to the notification, it is the right of government employees to retire after 25 years of qualifying service.

However, this service should be with confirmed tenure (full tenure or half tenure). If an employee is granted leave without pay, this absence is not counted towards the qualifying service.

Extraordinary leave (EOL) without pay is not included in qualifying service. If an employee has EOL, they must complete 25 years of service without EOL. The details are as follows.

Notification from the Finance Division of Pakistan:

Instructions have been given under signature to refer to O.M number OB. 2/63-IMP (I) dated 18.08.1966 and O.M number 8(5)-REG-6/73 for retired officials effective from 04-01-1975, after completing 25 years of eligibility service for the commencement of pension.

However, an Officer intending to retire must submit a written notice at least three months prior to the intended retirement date, indicating the date of retirement. Once submitted, it becomes final and cannot be modified or withdrawn.

Several cases have been observed in this division’s notice, where requests for retirement under O/M dated 18-08-1966, Pera 5, were accepted by the competent authority,

and the government employee was deemed retired after completing 25 years of qualifying service for pension. Consequently, government employees became ineligible for pension, leading to difficulties.


To prevent such incidents in the future and to safeguard the concerned retired government employee from the resulting challenges, the following decisions have been made:

1. The retiring officer/official must ensure the certainty of the three-month notice before the retirement date.

2. In case of loss to a retiring Officer/official, an inquiry should be conducted, without prejudice, to ascertain the completion of the required period of service in the light of the office memorandum dated January 4, 1975, before determining liability concerning the notification of retirement.

3. Under the Finance Division office memorandum number F. 14(1)-REG. 7/2007-230 dated 18-09-2008, CSR-423, no concession will be granted for the period of less than six months in qualifying service for pension.

Notification Voluntary / Retiring Pension Government Servants 2024
Notification Voluntary / Retiring Pension Government Servants 2024

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