I am sharing the announcement for the Pakistan Rangers (Sindh) vacancies for the year 2024, specifically for all Pakistan domicile holders.
The Pakistan Rangers (Sindh) currently has a total of 1406 vacancies on a permanent basis. Below are the details:
Vacancies in Pakistan Rangers (Sindh) for the year 2024 for all Pakistan domicile holders:
The following vacant positions (for males only) in Pakistan Rangers (Sindh) have been assigned a Grade 3.15 pay scale (as per the 2015 addition),
in accordance with the recommendations made in 1968 by the Pakistan Ranger Recruitment Rules, based on merit. The allocation of positions will be based on a quota system.
Summary of Jobs in Pak Rangers
Rank / Trade:
Sub-inspector (SI) General Duty
Provinical / Regioanl Quota:
Open Merit
Rank / Trade:
Religious Teacher
Provinical / Regioanl Quota:
Punjab (incl ICT Islamabad)
Rank / Trade:
Havildar General Duty
Provinical / Regioanl Quota:
Sindh (Rural)
Rank / Trade:
Rank General Duty
Provinical / Regioanl Quota:
Sindh (Urban)
Rank / Trade:
Temporary General Duty
Provinical / Regioanl Quota:
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Rank / Trade:
Savoy Cook
Provinical / Regioanl Quota:
Rank / Trade:
Sep Mess Water
Provinical / Regioanl Quota:
Rank / Trade:
Savory Mariachi
Provinical / Regioanl Quota:
Rank / Trade:
Non-Combinations Evolved (NCsE) such as Washermen, Carpenters, electricians, plumbers, barbers, Sadder Sanitary Workers etc.
Provinical / Regioanl Quota:
Gilgit Baltistan
There are also other career opportunities available, as the Child Protection and Welfare Bureau has announced contractual positions for the year 2024.